Joseph Richard Gutheinz Jr.
Gutheinz Law Firm, LLP 307 S. Friendswood Drive, Suite B3 Friendswood, TX 77546 Practice Area(s): Criminal Defense, Alternative Dispute Resolution call (281) 992-0200 fax (281) 992-0208 email Joe@Gutheinz.com visit website
Admission Dates & Jurisdictions
The Supreme Court of Texas, May 2nd, 1997
United States Supreme Court, August 10, 2001
United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, March 2, 1998
United States Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, December 10th, 1997
United States Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit, June 16, 2016
United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, January 7, 1998
United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, January 6, 1998
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, January 5, 1998
United States Court of Veterans Appeals,April 28, 1998
United States Tax Court, January 9th, 1998
United States District Court, Southern District of Texas, December 12th, 1997
Doctor of Jurisprudence-Law, South Texas College of Law
Master of Science in Systems Management, University of Southern California
Master of Arts-Criminal Justice, California State University, Sacramento
Bachelor of Arts-Criminal Justice, California State University, Sacramento
Associate of Arts-Liberal Arts, Monterey Peninsula College
Associate of Science-Admin of Justice, Monterey Peninsula College
Teaching Credentials in:
- Aeronautics • Business and Industrial Management
- Military Science • Police Science
- Sociology • Public Services and Administration
Government Education
U.S. Army Intelligence Center and Schools
Diploma for Officer Basic Course
Diploma for Tactical Intelligence Course
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Diploma for Rotary Wing Aviator Course
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
Honor Graduate Diploma for Criminal Investigators Training Course
Distinguished Graduate Diploma for the Office of Inspector General Basic Course
Mediation Certification-Dispute Resolution Center
FAA, Commercial Pilot, Rotary Wing
Certified Fraud Examiner
Professional Experience
Partner, Attorney at Law and Mediator
The Gutheinz Law Firm is dedicated to the memory of Lt. Col. Joseph Gutheinz, Sr., J.D. (U.S.M.C. deceased), the first member of the Gutheinz family to become an attorney. The firm is led by three law partners, Joseph (Jr.), Mike and James Gutheinz, who are father and sons. The firm handles a variety of cases in diverse areas of law to include criminal law, family law, civil law, military law, space law and aviation law. All three attorneys are practicing mediators.
Adjunct Professor of Law-Mediation Law Instructor
Commissioned Member, Governor Appointee
- Appointed by Texas Governor Rick Perry as a Commissioner on the Texas Commission on Fire Protection, overseeing states fire departments and firefighters.
Commissioned Member, Governor Appointee
- Appointed by Texas Governor Rick Perry to provide oversight on sex offenders treatment in Texas.
Commissioned Member, Governor Appointee
- Appointed by Texas Governor Rick Perry to provide guidance to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, the Legislature, local and county governments.
College Instructor
- Taught 45 criminal justice and paralegal classes to first year and second year students.
College Instructor
- Taught 200 criminal justice & risk management classes to graduate and undergraduate students.
- Mentored, trained and evaluated 40 new instructors on subject matter mastery and delivery.
- Recipient of numerous writing honorariums.
Attorney at Law
- Represented hundreds of clients on a variety of criminal cases.
- Member of the Pro Bono College of Texas.
- Member of the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Association.
College Instructor
Office of Inspector General————-Senior Special Agent
Office of Inspector General————–Special Agent
Civil Aviation Security——————–Special Agent
UNITED STATES ARMY—Honorable Discharge
Aviation and Military Intelligence——-Captain
Honors & Awards
National Association of Distinguished Counsel, Nation’s Top One Percent, 2015
Houstonia Magazine, Top Lawyers, 2014
The National Trial Lawyers, Top 100, 2014
AVVO, Superb Rating for Attorneys (Perfect 10)
President’s Council on Integrity and Proficiency Career Achievement Award
Alpha Phi Sigma: National Criminal Justice Honor Society, Faculty Member
NASA, Exceptional Service Medal
Army, Meritorious Service Medal
Army, Commendation Medal
NASA, Superior Accomplishment Award for Mir Space Station Investigation
United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Texas; Special Commendation for Omniplan case.
FBI, Letter of Commendation from the Director of the FBI for leading the Omniplan Task Force
Oklahoma, Honorary Lieutenant Governor of the State of Oklahoma
Harris County Sheriff’s Department, Honorary Deputy Sheriff
United States Department of Transportation, Certificate of Special Achievement
United States Army, Aviator Wings
Department of the Treasury, Honor Graduate (First in Class), Federal Law Enforcement Training Center’s Criminal Investigator’s Course
Department of the Treasury, Distinguished Graduate (99 Average), Federal Law Enforcement Training Center’s Office of Inspector General Basic Course
Marquis Who’s Who-Multiple Listings in the following categories:
- Who’s Who in the World
- Who’s Who in America
- Who’s Who in American Law
- Who’s Who in American Politics
- Who’s Who in Finance and Industry
- Who’s Who in Science and Industry
- Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare
- Who’s Who in American Education
- Who’s Who in the South and the Southwest
Professional Associations
State Bar of Texas
The College of the State Bar of Texas
Pro Bono College of the State Bar of Texas
State Bar of Texas, Government Law Section
State Bar of Texas, Aviation Law Section
Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
Brazoria County Bar Association
Fort Bend County Bar Association
Galveston Bar Association
St. Thomas More Society
American Legion
National Transportation Safety Board Bar Association
- “Officials Deny Deals at New Airport Site” by Michael Whitman-Jones, Northglenn Thorton Sentinel, July 28, 1988, page 1
- “Rockwell Hires Workers: Contractor Picks Up 200 Fired at Omniplan ”, by: Nancy Gaston, The Citizen, May 5, 1993, Pages A1 and A2
- ” Rockwell Fires Space Shuttle Subcontractor” by: Dan Feldstein, The Houston Post, May 1, 1993, Pages B1 and B2
- “NASA subcontractor suspected of overcharging, federal officials say”, by: the Associated Press Staff, Fort Worth Star Telegram, May 2, 1993, Page 31
- Omniplan assets are now frozen”, by: Nancy Gaston, The Citizen, June 4, 1993, Pages A 1 and 3
- “Omniplan will plead not guilty”, by: Trigg Gardner, The Citizen, June 8, 1994, Page 1
- “Jury indicts 13 firms in alleged NASA scam: Charges say space agency lost $4 million”, by: Marty Graham, The Houston Post, November 3, 1993
- “Omniplan indictment is upgraded”, by: Trigg Gardner, The Citizen, June 1, 1994
- ” NASA Contractor Admits Multimillion-dollar Fraud: OMNI Contractor admits 179 counts of fraud and embezzlement”, The Houston Post, February 1, 1995, Pages 1
- “”Businessman is Sentenced for Bilking Space Agency” by: Allen Myerson, New York Times, January 17, 1996.
- “Montijo is sentenced two years”, by: Catherine Cykowski, The Citizen, January 17, 1996
- “Grants for schools that didn’t fly have aerospace center under fire”, by: Oliver Uyttebrouck, Arkansas Democrat Gazette, August 5, 1996, Pages A1 and A7
- “Pilot’s Credentials Were Bogus ”, by Associated Press Reporter Mark Babinech, ABC News, June 2, 1998.“Alleged NASA Impostor held” by: Mark Babineck (AP), Austin American Statesman (Austin, Texas), June 3, 1998, page B6
- “Moon rock business gets man date with feds” by: Liz Gutierrez Henson, The Citizen (Clear Lake, Texas), December 16, 1998, pages 1 and 4.
- “Aerospace Firms Asked to Pay for Fraud”, by: C.R. Cooper, The Citizen, January 19, 2000, Pages 1 and 13
- ” Some Question NASA Experts Objectivity: Critics Would Prefer an Outside Body to Look into Shuttle Break-up ”, by: Alan Levin, USA Today, February 3, 2003, Page A3
- “NASA proposed ‘complete scrub’ of web site after shuttle disaster” by: the Associated Press, The Daily News (Galveston Texas), August 29, 2003, A10.
- “U.S. Returns Moon Rock to Honduras” BBC World News, September 23, 2003.
- “Pilot had a record of intoxication offenses”, by, Keith Herbert, The Philadelphia Inquirer, March 2, 2004, pages B1 and B4.
- “Russian, American to attempt risky spacewalk” by: Marcia Dunn, Associated Press, June 24, 2004.
- ” Lost the Hottest Rocks on Earth ”, by: Anjana Ahuja, London Times (Times 2)., July 20, 2004, pp. 8–9
- “Governor Taps Clear Lake Man” – Texas Criminal Justice Advisory Committee on Offenders with Medical and Mental Impairments, The Clear Lake Citizen, January 5, 2005, page
- “Canadian senator criticizes border workers”, by: Associated Press, USA Today, June 11, 2005.
- “New generation in a family tradition: it’s service and duty to your country – James Gutheinz.” by: Yvette Orozco, The Pasadena Citizen, June 10, 2007, Page 1
- “Pilot accidentally fires gun in cockpit” by: Joey Bunch, Denver Post, March 24, 2008
- “Grand Jury Clears Texas in the Killing of 2 Burlars”,by: Adam B. Ellick, New York Times, July 1, 2008.
- “Tampa airport on TSA list to get body scanner equipment”, by: Keith Morelli, The Tampa Tribune, August 9, 2008.
- “Son Returns Home from Afghanistan”, by: Yvette Orozco, The Pasadena Citizen, May 26, 2009, page 1.
- “Attorney Urges Reform of Grand Jury System in Harris County ” The Banner, October 9, 2009.
- “Friendswood Law is All in the Family”, by: Jeff Newpher, The Friendswood Journal, July 27, 2011.
- “Finding Lost Rocks is His Mission” by Molly Hennessy-Fiske, the Los Angeles Times, February 7, 2012, pages A1 & A11
- “Failure to keep track of moon rock samples keeps investigator busy”, by Michael Graczyk, Associated Press, Denver Post, May 1, 2012
- “Joseph Gutheinz: Commissioner Fire Protection (Fire Protection Commission). Texas State Directory, April 2, 2013.
- ” Review: ‘The Case of the Missing Moon Rocks’, Joe Kloc”, by Courtney Crowder, Chicago Tribune, April 26, 2013
- “Texas People: Joseph Gutheinz”, Texas Bar Journal. Vol. 76,No.6, Page 502, June 2013
- “D Written on Those Killed in Fort Hood Shooting” by Norman Merchant & Paul J. Weiber, Associated Press, August 9, 2013
- “Beaumont prosecutor’s comments draw attention from D.C., Opposing Counsel”, By Brooke Crum, the Beaumont Enterprise, August 15, 2013
- “Fort Hood Killer Faces Years of Appeals Before Execution”, by Will Weissert, The Associated Press, August 29, 2013
- “FBI: Air marshal attacked with syringe in Nigeria”, by Juan A. Lozano, Associated Press, August 9, 2014
- “Rewards up to $20,000 offered for return of Delaware’s Apollo 11 moon dust”, by Jeff Brown, Dover Post, December 10, 2014
- “The Case of the Missing Moon Rocks” by Jay Rath, ISTHMUS, March 9, 2015
Speaking Engagements
Discovery Science Channel; NASA’s Unexplained Files; Attack of the Thunderballs.
Discovery Science Channel; NASA’s Unexplained Files; Red Storm Rising.
Discovery Science Channel; NASA’s Unexplained Files; Curse of the Red Planet.
Discovery Science Channel; NASA’s Unexplained Files; Ghosts of Comet
Discovery Science Channel; NASA’s Unexplained Files; Return of the Moon Bugs.
Operation Lunar Eclipse; a full length film now in production, to be released in 2016.
BBC 2-; Stargazer, 2015
Coastal Bend Museum Texas, Speech, 2015
History Chanel 2, Brad Meltzer’s Lost History, 2014
Missing Moon Rock, an Emmy Award winning documentary by Troy Hale, 2014
PRI World Radio with Marco Werman, 2013
Lawline.com, Legal Implications of the Moon Rock Project, 2013
Lawline.com, Introduction to Space Law, 2013
Minnesota National Guard Press Conference, Guest Speaker, 2012
Oprah Winfrey Network, Lost and Found, 2012
Goddard Space Center Speech, Operation Lunar Eclipse and the Moon Rock Project, 2012
Numerous appearance on the BBC, Fox, Fox and Friends, and NPR.
CyberHood Watch Radio, The Consequences of Sexting, 2011
Talk Radio Europe, Gary McKinnon Case, 2009
Rotary Club, Seabrook, Airline Passenger Bill of Rights, 2009
Houston Property Rights Association, Grand Jury Reform, 2009
Canadian Radio News, Canada’s Apollo 17 Goodwill Moon Rock, 2009
MFAA-TV Dallas, American Airlines Story, 2008
Gutheinz, Joseph. “Dirty Little Secrets about Moon Rocks” Earth Magazine, January 2012, page
Gutheinz, Joseph. “A Memoir: A Decade-Plus of Tracking Lunar Larceny” Earth Magazine, March 2011, pages 42-51
Gutheinz, Joseph, (Co-Author), “Obama’s Mission to an Asteroid” Earth Magazine, December 2010, page 87
Gutheinz, Joseph, (Co-Author), “Where Dinosaurs Were Dreams Remain” Earth Magazine, August 2010, page 87
Gutheinz, Joseph, (Co-Author), “Confusing Science with Science Fiction: The Remarketing of an Asteroid Threat” Earth Magazine, April 2010, page 87
Gutheinz, Joseph, (Co-Author), “Fix the Hubble Telescope: Mankind’s Spyglass on the Universe” Earth Magazine, December 2008, page 87
Gutheinz, Joseph. “Settling the Moon: A Home Away From Home” Earth Magazine, September 2008, page 75
Gutheinz, Joseph, Harris County Grand Jury, Too White, Too Right, All Wrong, Houston Chronicle Op/Ed Page, June 1, 2008
Gutheinz, Joseph. “They Could Have Stopped Him: US Customs officials could have arrested Gregory Despres why didn’t they? “ National Post, January 18, 2007, page A16
Gutheinz, Joseph. “NASA must make safety its top concern” Caller-Times, August 3, 2005, A7
Gutheinz, Joseph. “US Customs Should Acknowledge Error in Despres Case” Telegraph- Journal, June 18, 2005, page A7
Gutheinz, Joseph. “Marketing an Asteroid Threat” Geotimes Magazine, March 2005, page 7
Gutheinz, Joseph. “In Search of The Goodwill Moon Rocks” Geotimes Magazine, November 2004, pages 40-41
Gutheinz, Joseph. “There Will Be A Day After Tomorrow” SpaceDaily.com, May 27, 2004
Gutheinz, Joseph. “ Hostetteler; victim of double standard?” Courier Journal, April 30, 2004.
Gutheinz, Joseph, ” Past is the Best Teacher for Air Safety ”, USA Today, December 30, 2002, Page A11
Service Activities
Joe Gutheinz is currently in pre-production for a full length movie on one of his law enforcement cases. This movie Directed by Todd Miller of Statement Films will be filmed both in the United States and abroad and has a working title of “Operation Lunar Eclipse”. Though an actor will portray the role of NASA OIG Senior Special Agent Joe Gutheinz, Joe Gutheinz will also appear in the film talking about the what he has done after he led and went undercover in Operation Lunar Eclipse. Filming begins in late April 2015. Please stay tuned for additional information. Thank you.