
Biographical Information

Attorney Dov Apfel is a partner in Janet, Jenner & Suggs, LLC, in Baltimore, Maryland. He is recognized by lawyers throughout the United States as a “child advocate” who devotes his practice to the representation of children with cerebral palsy and other brain injuries. He has served as co-counsel and/or lead counsel in cerebral palsy and/or obstetrical cases throughout the United States. He has also been selected by his peers as one of the Best Lawyers in America, and has been named a SuperLawyer in the state of Maryland and in the District of Columbia.

For more than 20 years, Mr. Apfel has played a unique role educating lawyers throughout the United States about how to prove when negligent care caused brain damage in a newborn. He has chaired several national medical-legal conferences on cerebral palsy and obstetrical malpractice. He also has written articles and lectured on numerous subjects concerning cerebral palsy, and routinely searches for the most up-to-date, reliable and valid information concerning the causes of cerebral palsy and the circumstances under which it can be prevented.

Mr. Apfel is the former chairperson of the Medical Negligence Section of the Maryland Association for Justice (formerly Maryland Trial lawyers Association) and the former co-chair of the Birth Trauma Litigation Group of the American Association for Justice (formerly Association of Trial Lawyers of America). 



Admission Dates & Jurisdictions

Maryland, 1979

District of Columbia, 1980


Mr. Apfel graduated with honors from Queens College, City University of New York in June, 1976.  He graduated with honors from the American University, Washington College of Law in 1979.

Professional Experience

Mr. Apfel represents children and their families in the pursuit of obstetrical malpractice claims, and is frequently sought out by lawyers throughout the United States to assist them with the evaluation of standard of care and causation issues that arise in cerebral palsy and birth trauma litigation.

Honors & Awards

Dov Apfel was the 2011 Recipient of the Dan Cullan Memorial Award, a national lifetime achievement award conferred by the Executive Board of the Birth Trauma Litigation Group of the American Association for Justice. Mr. Apfel was recognized for his passionate and unwavering commitment to excellence in advocacy, for his devotion and service to the children and families he represents, and for his service to the organization.

He also has been selected by his peers as one of the Best Lawyers in America, and as a SuperLawyer in the state of Maryland and in the District of Columbia.  He was named by Washingtonian Magazine (December 2004) as one of the Top Lawyers in his field in the Washington DC area.


Professional Associations

Member, American Association for Justice

Member & Former Co-Chair, Birth Trauma Litigation Group

Member, Maryland Association for Justice

Member, Maryland Bar Association

Member, District of Columbia Bar Association

Member, District of Columbia Trial Lawyers Association

Member, Montgomery County Bar Association



Verdicts & Settlements

Mr. Apfel has successfully litigated and secured compensation for children with cerebral palsy and other neurological and cognitive injuries in Arkansas, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington.

Other active cases are currently pending in Arizona, Hawaii, Illinois, Texas and Wisconsin.

Speaking Engagements

Mr. Apfel has been invited to lecture throughout the United States and Canada to lawyers, physicians, nurses, risk managers, and pathologists on standard of care and causation issues that arise in obstetrical malpractice cases .


Mr. Apfel has authored several law review articles and other peer-reviewed articles on standard of care and causation issues that arise in obstetrical malpractice cases.  He is a frequent contributor to TRIAL Magazine.

Service Activities

Mr. Apfel is the former chairperson of the Medical Negligence Section of the Maryland Association of Justice and the former co-chair of the Birth Trauma Litigation Group of the American Association For Justice, formerly known as the Association of Trial Lawyers of America.