
Biographical Information

A trial lawyer with more than 40 years experience.  Mr. Hinden is the senior partner and founder of Hinden & Breslavsky.  The firm’s 19 attorneys and a bilingual staff of 95 have devoted their careers to restoring the benefits to injured and disabled Californians.  Mr. Hinden is past president and the legislative chair of California Applicants’ Attorneys Association, an organization committed to fight for civil rights and eliminate discrimination.  He is Vice President for Workers Injury Law & Advocacy Group.  He is a fellow of the College of Workers’ Compensation Lawyers.  He has authored over 80 books or publications, and has been a guest lecturer in more than 100 seminars, teaching the principles of workers compensation and personal injury. He is an adjunct professor at Southwestern University, an arbitrator, and a judge pro tem.  His passion is helping to restore dignity and self esteem to those who’s occupations and lives have been altered due to an injury.

Admission Dates & Jurisdictions

1974 JD  California


1974:   J.D., Southwestern University School of Law

1970:   B.A., Psychology, California State University, Northridge

1968:   Los Angeles City & Valley Colleges

1961:   Fairfax High School

Honors & Awards

Fellow of The College of Workers’ Compensation, Past President of California Applicants Attorneys Assoc., Vice President WILG Workers’ Injury Law & Advocacy Group, Sr Partner and founder of Hinden & Breslavsky, Trial Attorney for 41 years.


Review & Update 1990/1991 Rules & Procedures;

Recognizing and Handling the Collateral Issues to the Workers’ Compensation Claim;

Understanding Normal Issues – Back to the Basics;

Handling Workers’ Compensation Cases under the 1993 Reform Acts – Applicant Attorneys’ Procedures;

Medical Office Procedures under the 1993 Reform Acts;

The Post – Termination Claim – Due Process v. Public Policy;

Billing for Treatment Collection of Medical-Legal Liens and the Admissibility of Your Reports;

Medical Control 1994 to 2011;

How to Practice Workers’ Compensation Under Senate Bill 31;

How to Effectively Prosecute Your Liens;

Review and Update Rules and Procedures, Employee-Selected Physicians Outline;

Review and Update Rules and Procedures, Applicants Attorneys’ Outline;

Seeing a New Patient in 1994, 2000, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2011;

Surviving the Storm of Reform;

Medical Control Revisited;

Advanced Workers’ Compensation in California, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2005;

Workers’ Compensation in California, 1998;

Preparing Your Client for Trial, 1998;

Paralegal & Medical Support Staff Seminar 2000, I & II, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012;

Vocational Rehabilitation 1975 to 2005;

Dealing with UR, ACOEM & Networks;

Medical Care & Control 2000, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012;

Interviewing Prospective Clients;                                       

Changing Physicians Within the MPN;

The Panel QME Process;

Understanding & Identifying The Importance of ADL & Diminished Future Earning Capacity;

Lien Collection 2010, 2011 & 2012;

Preparing Your Lien For A Successful Recovery 2011;

Post Valdez and Scudder Rulings;

Creative Settlement Strategies;

Post-Settlement Strategies;

Developing Your AMA Case;

Medical Care Per SB 899;

Apportionment and the Subsequent Injury Fund (SIF);

Identifying the Collateral Claims & Issues;

Structured Settlements and Medicare Set Aside Trusts;

Opening the New Legal File;

Preparing Your Client for Depositions;

Preparing your Client for AME/QME Evaluations;

Workers’ Compensation Settlement & Awards;   

Settlement/Post Settlement Procedures;

Proving Disability For The Seriously Disabled Worker;

How To Fully Address Your Client’s Permanent Disability;

ACOEM And The Treating Physician’s Presumption;

Workers’ Compensation in California (Law School Text 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007);

Comprehensive Overview of SB863;

Is Delay of Treatment Equal to Denial of Care?;

Taking Medical Control by Establishing a Paper Trail;

Getting Physicians to Address Other Body Parts;

Identifying and Settling Sleeping Giants;

Identifying Medical Expenses Not Covered By Medicare.