George R. Thompson
Thompson & O'Neil PC 309 East Front Street Traverse City, MI 49684 Practice Area(s): Personal Injury, Appellate Practice call (231) 929-9700 fax (231) 929-7262 email info@thompsononeillaw.com visit website
Biographical Information
Since 1978, Mr.Thompson has dedicated his practice and his professional life to assisting victims of negligence and to aiding persons who have legitimate insurance and wrongful conduct claims. He has demonstrated a similar dedication to legally disadvantaged persons in his personal life, serving on numerous community boards. The latter include Community Mental Health, Safe Harbor for the homeless, Munson Manor hospitality house, and Goodwill, among others. He has been recognized by virtually every honorary society and legal rating service for providing the highest quality of representation and ethical service to clients. He has been a frequent lecturer to lawyers and others on topics related to personal injury and trial practice, at the request of the State Bar, the Institute of Continuing Education, the Michigan Association of Justice and others. His resume is available on-line at www.ThompsonOneilLaw.com.
Admission Dates & Jurisdictions
State of Admission: Michigan; Registration #: P29289; Date of Admission: 1978.
University of Michigan School of Law Ann Arbor, Michigan, Juris Doctor, 1978; Alma College Alma, Michigan, Bachelor of Arts, Summa cum laude, 1975.